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Humidity, Temperature and Pressure Laboratory was isolated from the Laboratory Electronics LAB-EL company. Basic Laboratory tasks include:
The basic purpose of the Laboratory’s work is performing an objective meteorological control of the measurement devices and permanent documenting of the measurement results. The purpose is working on gaining trust for the company through confirming the meteorological characteristics of the devices produced and other that are already in a client’s possession and assuring in such a way complex client satisfaction. In such way, by declaring equal treatment of all clients (internal and outside) the Laboratory’s mission was formulated: “We aim at client satisfaction done through competence, professionalism and personal culture of the Laboratory staff and basing on work organization and technical competence using the guidelines from the standard PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2001".
The quality system’s requirements impose on the Laboratory:
Long-term quality program of the LAB-EL Company Laboratory creates for the company management and all employees an effective purpose interpretation determined in the Company’s quality policy.
The Laboratory at present deals with the following:
The Laboratory is also planning on extending its scope of work for:
The Laboratory LAB-EL performs at present calibration according to the scope of accreditation and testing according to the scope of accreditation. The best calibration measurement possibility introduced is a product of a standard uncertainty and an extension coefficient k = 2, which for normal distribution responds to a level of trust approximately 95%. The standard uncertainty was specified according to the Publication EA-4/02.
The calibration is performed in a climate chamber (the devices for the measurement of humidity of air and gases) and in a set of thermostats (for the electronic thermometers and the sensors of the resistance thermometers). The reference standards of the measure units are: high class dew point hygrometer with a chilled mirror and a platinum sensor of a control resistance thermometer I class cooperating with a bridge of variable current. The reference standards applied have calibration certificates issued by the Central Office of Measures in Warsaw (GUM), what is a guarantee of assuring measurement consistency.
The microclimate measurements of rooms are made using the
hytherographs, the thermometers and the pressure meters produced by
LAB-EL that have the calibration certificates issued by the Laboratory LAB-EL or other accredited
The measurement and testing methods used in the Laboratory were adapted in accordance to an operation instruction “Document and entry supervision” based on the requirements enclosed in the national and international standards, regulations and the instructions from the Central Office of Measures (GUM) as well as the recommendations from the International Organization of Legal Meteorology (OIML) approved by the specialists from GUM and the Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG).
The Laboratory’s work principles, its organization as well as scope of competence and responsibility in the scope of assuring quality were described in the Quality Manual and the operational instructions SOP.
The calibration procedures applied in the Laboratory were developed by the company’s specialists in reference to each value measured (measurement device type) based on:
The procedures were revised by the specialists from the outside calibration laboratories, performing meteorological and testing services in the mentioned above scope.
Realization of the whole calibration process is documented in the
Laboratory using a calibration protocol. Such document contains data
that characterize the calibrated object, calibration’s course and the
measurement results obtained during such a process. The protocol is
made in a form of a permanent document, which is signed by a person
performing the calibration and verified and then approved by a Head of
the Laboratory’s Department. Based on the protocol a calibration
certificate is prepared in a form of a permanent document, which
contains the calibration results that are formulated according to the
effectual in this scope requirements (recommended by an accreditation
unit). The certificates are issued to clients after finishing a full
calibration process.
The calibration protocols and from the testing performed are stored in the Laboratory through a period of time not shorter than five years. At the measurement devices’ calibration certificates and the protocols from the measurement of microclimate in them rooms, covered by the scope of accreditation, a logo of the accrediting institution is placed adequately.
The Laboratory realizes all kinds of services that concern calibration of the devices and the microclimate measurements in accordance with the principles of Good Professional and Engineering Practice based on the standards PN-EN ISO/IEC-17025:2001 i PN- EN ISO-10012-1:1998 as well as the Quality Manual and SOP operational instructions worked out in the LAB-EL company as a quality system documentation. The Laboratory Electronics LAB-EL company works in accordance with the held since March, 7 2003 ISO 9001:2000 certificate, number CH03/203378, issued by SGS Switzerland SA Systems&Services Certification.
The Laboratory undertakes correction and prevention actions when the following are stated:
The LAB-EL company’s employees who participate in the system’s
creation and support are all aquatinted with the quality policy (the
documents describing the quality system are available) and apply it in
practice, are up to date informed about all of the changes in the
quality system, have a possibility of upgrade training and in the scope
of quality.
Support and promotion of work quality is an obligation to each of
the LAB-EL company’s employees. This principle concerns all of the
Laboratory’s employees and concerns individual, competent, and pro
quality actions.
Aiming at assuring performance a quality management system is
implemented in accordance with the standard PN-EN ISO/IEC-17025:2001
and the following quality goals are determined:
In order to realize the quality policy in reference to the Calibration Laboratory included in the quality management system the company’s Administration worked out and applied a “Long term quality program” and “Immediate quality program”.
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Producent: LAB-EL Elektronika Laboratoryjna Sp. J. ul. Bodycha 68b, 02-495 Warszawa tel: (022) 667 71 18, 0601 209656, fax: (022) 867 53 32 poczta elektroniczna: info@label.com.pl witryna internetowa: http://www.label.com.pl internetowa stacja meteorologiczna: http://www.meteo.waw.pl stacja meteorologiczna w komórce: wap.meteo.waw.pl Ostatnia aktualizacja: 18.08.2006 |
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