LB-762-IO Additional Interfaces Module for LB-762 Mushroom-Growing Cellar Air-conditioning Regulators

- Increase the number of measurement inputs
- Increase the number of servo outputs
- Additional functions:
- Anemometer — measurement of air speed
- History of changes in LB-762 regulator software
- Configuration of regulators
- Selection of PID coefficients for regulation
- Reporting remarks about the software
Extension of air-conditioning regulator capabilities
Manufacturers of mushrooms are increasingly selective regarding the machinery installed in their cellars: they want to know more about the processes that occur during growing and have control over the measurements in a larger number of locations within a cellar and measure additional specifics — e.g. air flow speed around the growing shelves and oxygen concentration.
To meet such growing demands, the LB-762-IO module was devised with additional interfaces — measurement inputs and control outputs to popular LB-762 air-conditioning regulators. The LB-762-IO module takes the form of an additional insert (electronics board), installed inside the LB-762 housing, over the main board of the LB-762 regulator. The LB-762-IO module may be integrated in every LB-762 regulator, whenever the user feels that the number of regulator interfaces has become insufficient.
The regulator’s block diagram for a mushroom-growing cellar with an additional extension module

The illustration features the block digram of the LB-762 regulator for a mushroom-growing cellar, together with an additional module of LB-762-IO interfaces.
The measurement and control interfaces of the LB-762 air-conditioning regulator
To the left of the block diagram, a basic set of inputs for measurement probes of the LB-762 regulators are shown; they enable the connection of:
- 2 wet-and-dry bulb thermometers (air temperature and humidity measurement);
- 4 thermometers for measuring temperature in air-conditioning system (air-conditioning central, behind the heat exchangers);
- 6 thermometers for measuring the substrate temperature;
- 1 additional thermometer for any selected use;
- 2 inputs of smart sensors (e.g. carbon dioxide, oxygen, pressure detectors, etc.) with S300 LAB-EL interface.
The basic set of outputs of the LB-762 regulator are the outputs for connecting:
- 8 analogue servos for proportionally adjusted valves, together with analogue inputs for controlling servo positions;
- set of digitally controlled Bielmo servos;
- 8 relays for controlling devices in the on/off mode.
The measurement and control interfaces of the additional LB-762-IO module
To the right of the block diagram, an additional set of inputs for measurement probes of the LB-762-IO extension module are shown; they additionally enable the connection of:
- 2 wet-and-dry bulb thermometers (air temperature and humidity measurement);
- 4 anemometers for air flow speed measurement;
- 8 additional thermometers for any application (substrate, air, media temperature, etc.);
- 2 inputs of smart sensors (e.g. carbon dioxide, oxygen, pressure detectors, etc.) with S300 LAB-EL interface.
The additional set of outputs of the LB-762 regulator are the outputs for connecting:
- 8 analogue servos for proportionally adjusted valves, together with analogue inputs for controlling servo positions.
Current design of measuring probes ensures stable measurement results. In order to differentiate, the new psychrometric sensors, and probes for substrate temperature and air-conditioning feature colour-coded outputs, thus they should be connected to the regulator’s board as shown in the figure. Particular attention should be exercised in order not to reverse the terminals of temperature probes (T and GND terminals). An illustration showing the input terminals of the main board of an additional LB-762-IO extension module is presented alongside.
Controlling the extension module requires the installation of the new version of the regulators’ internal software (the minimum requirement is the LB762V1_firmware_2.1.1.fw version) and software for the SERVER and CLIENTS stations on all Windows PCs operating with the system minimum: lbx-2.14-setup.exe).

Measurement visualisation in the LBX software
Following the increased number of sensors connected to the LB-762 mushroom-growing cellar climate regulator equipped with an additional LB-762-IO insert, the LBX software has been updated in a way allowing the complete set of current measurement results to be displayed on the screen (see alongside).
Settings from remote control in the LB-762 regulators with the LB-762-IO module
The calibration and operation parameters of the LB-762 regulators with the LB-762-IO module may also be set-up via the LB-765 remote controller. Detailed operating instructions on how to use the regulator with the remote control is provided in the User Instructions.
Reporting remarks about the software, assistance in configuring the regulator
All questions and remarks concerning the functioning of the LB-762
software that controls in mushroom-growing cellars, suggestions for
further development of the software and user experience issues as well
as their requirements for growing should be reported to
We provide free-of-charge assistance in the correct configuration of mushroom-growing cellar regulators. For this reason it is necessary to establish an Internet connection for a given mushroom-growing cellar, so that we — with a phone call — are able to observe the regulators’ functioning (charts) and correct their settings. Feel free to phone us for more details.