LB-480 and LB-490 - Inputs and measurement sensors. Temperature and humidity recording

Built-in analogue–digital inputs
The LB-480 recorder, supporting the supervision and recording of measurements (temperature and humidity recording), is equipped with 8 inputs, each of which may be individually and independently configured for operation in the modes described below.
The LB-490 recorder, supporting the supervision and recording of measurements (temperature and humidity recording), is equipped with 16 inputs, each of which may be individually and independently configured for operation in the modes described below.
S300 digital inputs
The S300 input connects any sensor with the S300 interface. The S300 is a digital current loop interface, providing double-wire connection of the sensor and allows a considerable distance between the sensor and the recorder, while at the same time powering the sensor via the module and delivering digital data from the sensor to the module.
In particular, the following are supported:
- LB-710 — thermo
or any other device transmitting data in the format compatible with the LB-710;
- LB-474C — temperature and humidity regulator;
- LB-522 — thermo hygrometer;
- LB-705 — panel thermo hygrometer;
- LB-720/722 — dehumidifier controller;
- LB-720C/722C — climate regulator;
- LB-725 — panel thermo hygrometer;
- LB-710T — thermometer;
- LB-710E — thermometer with extended range;
- LB-710A — thermometer with a display;
- LB-710AT — thermometer with a display;
- LB-711 — 8-channel thermometer;
- LB-714 — 2-channel thermometer;
- LB-715 — thermometer–hygrometer–barometer;
- LB-716 — barometer;
- LB-716P — absolute manometer;
- LB-716D — differential manometer;
- LB-746 — wind speed and direction meter;
- LB-747 — wind speed and direction meter;
- LB-750 — laboratory barometer;
- LB-781 — integrated road sensor;
- LB-797 — hygrometer for solid materials;
- LB-801 — hot-wire anemometer;
- LB-850 — CO2 concentration and temperature meter;
- LB-854 — CO2 concentration and temperature meter;
- LB-900 — solar radiation meter;
- LB-901 — 2-channel solar radiation meter;
- LB-905 — oxygen and other gas concentration meter;
- LB-910 — surface humidity meter / flooding sensor;
- LB-920 — soil moisture meter;
- LB-921 — universal A/C converter.

Analogue inputs
Measuring converter of the analogue inputs operates with a resolution of 12 bits. The analogue inputs may be configured to operate in the following modes.
Thermistor thermometer
An input operating in this mode gives a temperature measurement with the use of an external thermistor probe in the range of -50…+150°C. The dedicated probe with special thermistor provides for measurement precision of 0.1°C and accuracy of 0.2°C in the range of 0…+50°C. The LB-480/LB-490 recorder enables continuous temperature recording. If a precise temperature measurement is required in a wider range, with a higher precision, from a considerable distance or with the calibration certificate issued, the temperature sensor with an external converter and S300 interface (e.g. LB-710TX) should be used; also, the LB-499-PT insert (precision thermometer operating in the range of -200…+850°C and with the resolution of 0.001°C) might be used.
Pt1000 thermometer
An input operating in this mode enables temperature measurement with the use of an external Pt1000 probe in the range of -200… +850°C. The accuracy of measurement amounts to 1°C in the range of -80… +130°C. If a precise temperature measurement is required in a wider range, with a higher precision, from a considerable distance or with the calibration certificate issued, the temperature sensor with an external converter and S300 interface (e.g. LB-710TX) should be used; also, the LB-499-PT insert (precision thermometer operating in the range of -200…+850°C and with the resolution of 0.001°C) might be used.
Pulse input — event counter
An input operating in this mode enables pulse counting. A pulse is defined as a shorting of an input for a defined minimum time. A shorting may come form a switch (NC terminal or digital output, e.g. OC type). Any given source of pulses — e.g. NC terminal, power meter output, rain-gauge — may be connected to the input.
Scaling pulse input
An input operating in this mode enables pulse counting, with the possibility of determining the value of a single pulse and a unit of measurement. The following, for example, may be connected to the input: a rain-gauge with 1 pulse defined as 0.2 mm, or electric power meter with 1 pulse defined as 0.1 kWh.
Binary input
The binary input detects NC/NO states. This may be controlled with a NC terminal or a digital output, OC type.
The switch input can detect NC/NO switch state. Additionally, the sabotage of a line leading to the switch is detected — the shorting or interruption of a line triggers an alarm.
0–10 V
Voltage analogue input enables the measurement of voltage in the range of 0…10 V.
0–20 mA
Current analogue input enables the measurement of current in the range of 0…20 mA.
Scaling analogue input
The scaling analogue input enables voltage measurement in the range of 0…10 V or current measurement in the range of 0…20 mA, calculated for any other range of the measured value and definition of a unit.
For example:
- CO2 sensor operating in the range of 0…5,000 ppm with a voltage output of 0…10 V: the measured 0…10 V voltage will be calculated for the range of 0…5,000 and displayed with ppm unit;
- pressure sensor operating in the range of 0…1000 hPa with a current loop of 4…20 mA: the measured 4…20 mA current will be calculated for the range of 0…1,000 and displayed with Pa unit.
Temperature and humidity recording
The LB-480/LB-490 recorder enables continuous recording from all of the available inputs.
Internal temperature
The recorder is equipped with a constantly accessible, internal temperature sensor, performing measurements to an accuracy of 0.5°C.
Additional inputs in extension modules
With the installed extension modules, it is possible to connect additional sensors besides the 8 standard inputs. In particular, the additional inputs are equipped with the following modules:
Module of additional S300 inputs — enables the connection of 3 additional S300 sensors. It is possible to install 3 extension modules, which enables the connection of 9 additional S300 sensors to the device.
Module of a 6-input analogue–digital converter. The converter may work precisely (24 bits of data with 1 sample per second) or rapidly (8 bits of data with approx. 1,000 samples per second).
RS-232/RS-485 serial port
Via the serial port module it is possible to connect any other sensor, e.g. the SR-50 ultrasound range-finder, which may be used for measuring the thickness of snow cover.